

A. Shoulder press 5x5x Elements Weight

B. Shoulder press Find 5RM

C+. Pushpress Find 3RM


MetCon: Partner WOD

For time

100 S2OH 60/42.5

Ask coach for scaling options

W.O.D 29/4/18

Crossfit W.O.D


A) Backsquat 5x5xElements Weight

B) Backsquat find 5RM

C+) Barbell Lunge Find 3RM

MetCon: 3RFT

400m run

20 Backsquat 60/45kg


*Scale weight to ~70% 1RM

W.O.D 28/4/18

Crossfit W.O.D

Strength: complete missed strength, if none missed, practice squat cleans by coaches prescription

MetCon: “Helen”


400m run

21 American KBS 24/16

12 Pullups

W.D.D 27/4/18

Crossfit W.O.D:

Strength: complete missed strength this week.

if non missed- find 1RM Squat clean


MetCon: 20-15-10




  1. Ask coach
  2. 30/20
  3. 42.5/25
  4. 50/35 
  5. 60/42.5 

Strength & Accessory W.O.D

Skill: Get Up turkish

MetCOn: In teams Of 2 Perform 20min AMRAP (I go you go)

10 TGU
20 Burpees
200m Partner carry


Endurance W.O.D: “Zeus”


30 Wallball shots

30 SDHP 35/25

30 Box jump 60/50

30 Pushups

10 Backsquats (bodyweight)

W.O.D 26/4/18

Crossfit W.O.D


Dips (bench/weighted bench/bar/rings) Find 5RM


MetCon: 3 RFT

21 Airsquat

15 Pushpress 60/42.5


Olympic Weightlifting W.O.D:

  1. Snatch 2x3x70% | 2x2x80% | 1x1x85% | 1x1x90%
  2. C&J 3×2+2×70% | 3×2+1×80% | 2×1+1×90%
  3. Snatch pull 5x3x100%
  4. Back squat 3x3x80% 2x2x90%

W.O.D 25/4/18

Crossfit W.O.D


A) Deadlift 5x5xElements Weight

B) Deadlift Find 5RM

C) Power clean find 3RM

D&E) Squat clean find 1-3RM


MetCon: EMOM 16

Even: Max cleans 60/42.5

Odd: Max Double unders

Strength & Accessory W.O.D

Bench Press: 5*85%; 3*90%; +1*95% 3RM (90%1RM) +2.5/5kg
Deadlift: 5*85%; 3*90%; +1*95% 3RM (90%1RM) +2.5/5kg

One arm KB Row (From the floor) 3*10-15
Ring Rows (deficit) 3*10-15

Gymnastics W.O.D

1 – Handstands: 5*ME Holds

5-10minutes walking practice / obstacles

2 – Press Drill – 5*1-5

5*5-8 HSPU variations

5*5-8 Feet Slides

3 – Lever work – individualized

Accessory work by coaches prescription

4 – Core Cashout

W.O.D 24/4/18

Crossfit W.O.D

Strength: Strict Pullup find 5RM

MetCon: 5 RFT

100m Suitcase carry AHAP

12 T2B

10 Weighted lunge

Olympic Weightlifting W.O.D

  1. C&J find 1 RM
  2. Snatch find 1 RM
  3. Good morning 5x5x80% snatch

Endurance W.O.D

MetCon: ”Manion”


400m run

29 backsquats 60/42.5

W.O.D 23/4/18

Crossfit W.O.D


A) Shoulder press 5x5xElements Weight

B) Shoulder press Find 5RM

C+) Pushpress Find 3RM


Skill: Handstand pushup

MetCon: 10 min ascending ladder 1-1, 2-2…



* Ask coach for scaling options

Strength & Accessory W.O.D

Shoulder Press 5*85%; 3*90%; +1*95% 3RM (90%1RM) +2.5/5kg
Back Squat 5*85%; 3*90%; +1*95% 3RM (90%1RM) +2.5/5kg

Accessory: Reps by ability

Dips (bench/bar/ring)

Gymnastics W.O.D

1 – Handstands: 5*ME Holds

 5-10minutes walking practice / obstacles

2 – Press Drill – 5*1-5

 5*5-8 HSPU variations

 5*5-8 Feet Slides

3 – RMU work – individualized

Accessory work by coaches prescription (assuming extra pyshing and pulling)

4 – Core Cashout

W.O.D 22/4/18

Crossfit W.O.D


A) Backsquat 5x5xElements Weight

B) Backsquat find 5RM

C+) Barbell Lunge Find 3RM

MetCon: Partner “kalsu”

For time:

100 Thruster 60/42.5

Begin each minute with BOTH partners performing 5 burpees. Then continue to perform total of 100 thrusters.

Alternate working/resting partner each minute, so that each partner works for a minute and then rests for a minute.

W.O.D 21/4/18

Crossfit W.O.D
Strength: complete missed strength, if none missed, practice squat cleans by coaches prescription

MetCon: For time

Partner Wod (1 works, 1 rests)

1km Row
100 KB swing
100 Pushups
100 Situps
100 Wallballs
100 Double unders