W.O.D 27/2/18

CrossFit WOD:

Skill: OHS mobility drills

MetCon: For time


  1. Goblet squat- weight by ability
  2. 20/15
  3. 40/25
  4. 50/30
  5. 60/35


Olympic weightlifting W.O.D:

  1. Hang clean – 6×3 UB HC @70-80%
  2. Pushpress 5 attempts to perform 10 UB pushpress with the following weights M-42.5-50-60-70-80 W-25-30-35-40-42.5 *Ask coach to perscribe specific weights ** if you succeeded more than 3 and less than 10 re-attempt ME on same weight, for total of 5 sets.
  3. Clean pull 6x3x100
  4. Split press 5x5x40-50% of jerk 1RM (or 80% of 5RM strict press)


Endurance W.O.D:



Wallball 20/12

boxjump 60/50

KB Swing 24/16