WOD 18/4/17
Strength: Strict Pull ups by ability.
1) 0-1 Pull ups: 5 sets of ME partial ROM pull ups
2) 1-5 Pull ups: 5 sets of max reps
3) 5-10 Pull ups can be done: 7*2*95 %3RM; then one set of ME BW Pull ups
4)10+ Pull ups:
6*3*95% 5RM; then one set of ME BW Pull ups.
Skill: Kipping Pull ups
MetCon: For quality
12 min EMOM
2 C2B Pull ups
3 Pull ups
*Ask coach for scaling options
Olympic weightlifting:
- 20 min find 1RM Cluster
- TNG Snatch sets of 6 sets of max reps start at 60% add weight each set
- TNG Push Press 5x5x60-70% (of C&J)
- Front Squat 6x3x80%