WOD 13/11/15
Strength: Deadlift/snatch.
A) 5×5 with weight from Elements
B) %x5x90% 5RM
C) Hang snatch 5x3x70% max snatch
D) Snatch with 2sec pause at the knee 5x3x80%Snatch
Tech: A+B) Hang power snatch practice
C+D) Snatch pull 3x5x110% Snatch
Metcon: 10 min AMRAP OF
5 Deadlifts
10 Burpee
5+5 One arm KB push press
A- KB swing AHAP + Burpee + 12/8 kg push press
B- 90/45 kg Deadlift – laterall over the bar burpee +20/12 kg push press
C+D – 110/80 kg Deadlift
-over the bar burpee+24/16 kg press
Intermediate WOD:
Independent part Warmup+shoulder mobility.
Death by strict pull ups (15 min time cap)
MetCon: 5RFT
10 M Handstand walk
15 Toes 2 bar
20 Pistols (10+10)