W.O.D 22/4/18 April 21, 2018/in WOD /by YoniCrossfit W.O.D Strength: A) Backsquat 5x5xElements Weight B) Backsquat find 5RM C+) Barbell Lunge Find 3RM MetCon: Partner “kalsu” For time: 100 Thruster 60/42.5 Begin each minute with BOTH partners performing 5 burpees. Then continue to perform total of 100 thrusters. Alternate working/resting partner each minute, so that each partner works for a minute and then rests for a minute. /wp-content/uploads/2015/09/cfta-logo3.png 0 0 Yoni /wp-content/uploads/2015/09/cfta-logo3.png Yoni2018-04-21 21:00:182018-04-21 10:16:56W.O.D 22/4/18
W.O.D 21/4/18 April 20, 2018/in WOD /by YoniCrossfit W.O.D Strength: complete missed strength, if none missed, practice squat cleans by coaches prescription MetCon: For time Partner Wod (1 works, 1 rests) 1km Row 100 KB swing 100 Pushups 100 Situps 100 Wallballs 100 Double unders /wp-content/uploads/2015/09/cfta-logo3.png 0 0 Yoni /wp-content/uploads/2015/09/cfta-logo3.png Yoni2018-04-20 23:50:372018-04-20 23:50:37W.O.D 21/4/18
W.O.D 20/4/18 April 19, 2018/in WOD /by YoniCrossfit W.O.D Skill: Squat clean EMOM 10: 3 position clean Start at moderate weight, add weight each set by feel MetCon: “Cindy” 20 min AMRAP 5 pullup 10 pushup 15 Airsquat Strength & Accessory W.O.D Strength: Bench Press 3*80%; 3*85%; +3*90% 3RM (90%1RM) +2.5/5kg Deadlift 3*80%; 3*85%; +3*90% 3RM (90%1RM) +2.5/5kg Accessory: One arm KB Deadlift 3*10-15 (each side) DB Bent over rows 3*10-15 Endurance W.O.D 5 RFT 20 pullups 30 pushups 40 situps 50 airsquats /wp-content/uploads/2015/09/cfta-logo3.png 0 0 Yoni /wp-content/uploads/2015/09/cfta-logo3.png Yoni2018-04-19 20:24:332018-04-19 20:24:33W.O.D 20/4/18
W.O.D 22/4/18
/in WOD /by YoniCrossfit W.O.D
A) Backsquat 5x5xElements Weight
B) Backsquat find 5RM
C+) Barbell Lunge Find 3RM
MetCon: Partner “kalsu”
For time:
100 Thruster 60/42.5
Begin each minute with BOTH partners performing 5 burpees. Then continue to perform total of 100 thrusters.
Alternate working/resting partner each minute, so that each partner works for a minute and then rests for a minute.
W.O.D 21/4/18
/in WOD /by YoniCrossfit W.O.D
Strength: complete missed strength, if none missed, practice squat cleans by coaches prescription
MetCon: For time
Partner Wod (1 works, 1 rests)
1km Row
100 KB swing
100 Pushups
100 Situps
100 Wallballs
100 Double unders
W.O.D 20/4/18
/in WOD /by YoniCrossfit W.O.D
Skill: Squat clean
EMOM 10: 3 position clean
Start at moderate weight, add weight each set by feel
MetCon: “Cindy”
20 min AMRAP
5 pullup
10 pushup
15 Airsquat
Strength & Accessory W.O.D
Bench Press 3*80%; 3*85%; +3*90% 3RM (90%1RM) +2.5/5kg
Deadlift 3*80%; 3*85%; +3*90% 3RM (90%1RM) +2.5/5kg
One arm KB Deadlift 3*10-15 (each side)
DB Bent over rows 3*10-15
Endurance W.O.D
20 pullups
30 pushups
40 situps
50 airsquats