W.O.D. 28.5.18 May 27, 2018/in WOD /by Kaitlyn EggersCrossfit WOD Strength: Dips by ability bench/bar/ring/complex 5×5 MetCon: in pairs For time 100 pullups Each time partners switch, both BOTH partners perform 5 burpees. After 10 minutes, reduce burpees to 3 reps. Strength & Accessory WOD Strength: Strict Press Back Squat 5*75%; 3*85%; +1*95% 3RM (90%1RM) Accessory: For time 100 push ups *every time you stop, perform 10KB Russian swings (Unbroken AHAP) Gymnastics *Handstand Holds – 5xMax Effort *5-10 minutes walking/obstacle course practice *Handstand Press – 5*3-5 (Free standing/P.ROM/Wall/Ground) *RMU work – 5*3-5 (Tempo/Weighted/Negative?FG pullups/FG ring rows) **Accessory bent arm work / core by coaches prescription /wp-content/uploads/2015/09/cfta-logo3.png 0 0 Kaitlyn Eggers /wp-content/uploads/2015/09/cfta-logo3.png Kaitlyn Eggers2018-05-27 21:34:472018-05-14 20:38:09W.O.D. 28.5.18
W.O.D. 27.5.18 May 26, 2018/in WOD /by Kaitlyn EggersCrossfit WOD Skill: mobility drills MetCon: for time 800m run with wall ball 40 DU 40 KBS 32/24 40 Wallballs 30 DU 30 KBS 30 Wallballs 20 DU 20 KBS 20 Wallballs 10 DU 10 KBS 10 Wallballs 400m run with wallball /wp-content/uploads/2015/09/cfta-logo3.png 0 0 Kaitlyn Eggers /wp-content/uploads/2015/09/cfta-logo3.png Kaitlyn Eggers2018-05-26 20:29:042018-05-14 20:34:44W.O.D. 27.5.18
W.O.D. 26.5.18 May 25, 2018/in WOD /by Kaitlyn EggersCrossfit WOD CFTA Liftoff Event 1: Find 1RM Clean (3 tries) Event 2: 8 min AMRAP Ladder 1-1,2-2… RMU Deadlift A) Ask coach B) pullup – 50/30 C) RMU – 80/50 D+) RMU – 100/70 All levels ask coach which option to do /wp-content/uploads/2015/09/cfta-logo3.png 0 0 Kaitlyn Eggers /wp-content/uploads/2015/09/cfta-logo3.png Kaitlyn Eggers2018-05-25 20:23:122018-05-14 20:28:30W.O.D. 26.5.18
W.O.D. 28.5.18
/in WOD /by Kaitlyn EggersCrossfit WOD
Dips by ability bench/bar/ring/complex 5×5
MetCon: in pairs
For time
100 pullups
Each time partners switch, both BOTH partners perform 5 burpees.
After 10 minutes, reduce burpees to 3 reps.
Strength & Accessory WOD
Strict Press
Back Squat
5*75%; 3*85%; +1*95% 3RM (90%1RM)
For time 100 push ups
*every time you stop, perform 10KB Russian swings (Unbroken AHAP)
*Handstand Holds – 5xMax Effort
*5-10 minutes walking/obstacle course practice
*Handstand Press – 5*3-5
(Free standing/P.ROM/Wall/Ground)
*RMU work – 5*3-5 (Tempo/Weighted/Negative?FG pullups/FG ring rows)
**Accessory bent arm work / core by coaches prescription
W.O.D. 27.5.18
/in WOD /by Kaitlyn EggersCrossfit WOD
Skill: mobility drills
MetCon: for time
800m run with wall ball
40 DU
40 KBS 32/24
40 Wallballs
30 DU
30 KBS
30 Wallballs
20 DU
20 KBS
20 Wallballs
10 DU
10 KBS
10 Wallballs
400m run with wallball
W.O.D. 26.5.18
/in WOD /by Kaitlyn EggersCrossfit WOD
CFTA Liftoff
Event 1: Find 1RM Clean (3 tries)
Event 2: 8 min AMRAP
Ladder 1-1,2-2…
A) Ask coach
B) pullup – 50/30
C) RMU – 80/50
D+) RMU – 100/70
All levels ask coach which option to do