W.O.D. 12.6.18 June 11, 2018/in WOD /by Kaitlyn EggersCrossfit WOD 12/6 Mobility: Wrist mobility drills Skill Warmup: (with empty barbell) 10 OHS with pause at bottom 10 Snatch balance 10 drop snatch 10 high hang snatch 10 Hang snatch Strength/Skill: Snatch/ Hang snatch (ask coach) work up to heavy triple MetCon: EMOM 16 Even: 3-5 Snatch @ 80% of 3RM weight Odd: 30 Sec max reps chin-ups Olympic Weightlifting W.O.D Hang snatch + Snatch : 2×2+1×80% | 2×1+1×85% | 2×1+1×90% Power Clean 6x3x80% Snatch pull 7x3x100% Front squat 3x3x85% | 3x2x90% /wp-content/uploads/2015/09/cfta-logo3.png 0 0 Kaitlyn Eggers /wp-content/uploads/2015/09/cfta-logo3.png Kaitlyn Eggers2018-06-11 21:49:272018-06-07 20:24:58W.O.D. 12.6.18
W.O.D. 11.6.18 June 10, 2018/in WOD /by Kaitlyn EggersCrossfit W.O.D Strength: A) Shoulder press 5×5 (elements weight) B+) Bench press Find 5RM MetCon: Partner Wod 13 min AMRAP P-1 Handstand/Chest to Wall hold P-2 Work – 50 KB S2OH – 50 T2B – 50 Pushups – 50 Situps Ask coach for Mods Strength & Accessory W.O.D Floor press Sumo deadlift 5*(40-60%)-5-5-5; +5*85% (from last set) Accessory: DB/KB Strict press 3*10-15 KB Deadlift 3*8-12 Gymnastics W.O.D Gymnastics *Handstand Holds – 5xMax Effort – 5-10 minutes walking/obstacle course practice *Handstand Press – 5*3-5 (Free standing/P.ROM/Wall/Ground) *Strict Bar Muscle Up work – 5*3-5 (Tempo/Weighted/Negative?FG pullups/FG ring rows) **AMRAP Accessory/ core by coaches prescription /wp-content/uploads/2015/09/cfta-logo3.png 0 0 Kaitlyn Eggers /wp-content/uploads/2015/09/cfta-logo3.png Kaitlyn Eggers2018-06-10 21:56:222018-06-07 19:57:02W.O.D. 11.6.18
W.O.D. 10/6/18 June 9, 2018/in WOD /by Kaitlyn EggersCrossfit W.O.D Strength: A) Back squat 5×5 elements weight B+) Back squat Find 5RM MetCon: 21-15-9 – Overhead Squat – ⅓ BMU 9 min time cap A) ask coach for mods B) 30/25 C) 40/30 D) 50/35 E) 60/42.5 BMU will be modified to pullups/J.pullup / ring rows by ability. /wp-content/uploads/2015/09/cfta-logo3.png 0 0 Kaitlyn Eggers /wp-content/uploads/2015/09/cfta-logo3.png Kaitlyn Eggers2018-06-09 21:44:502018-06-07 18:59:17W.O.D. 10/6/18
W.O.D. 12.6.18
/in WOD /by Kaitlyn EggersCrossfit WOD 12/6
Mobility: Wrist mobility drills
Skill Warmup: (with empty barbell)
Strength/Skill: Snatch/ Hang snatch (ask coach) work up to heavy triple
MetCon: EMOM 16
Even: 3-5 Snatch @ 80% of 3RM weight
Odd: 30 Sec max reps chin-ups
Olympic Weightlifting W.O.D
W.O.D. 11.6.18
/in WOD /by Kaitlyn EggersCrossfit W.O.D
A) Shoulder press 5×5 (elements weight)
B+) Bench press Find 5RM
MetCon: Partner Wod 13 min AMRAP
P-1 Handstand/Chest to Wall hold
P-2 Work
– 50 KB S2OH
– 50 T2B
– 50 Pushups
– 50 Situps
Ask coach for Mods
Strength & Accessory W.O.D
Floor press
Sumo deadlift
5*(40-60%)-5-5-5; +5*85% (from last set)
DB/KB Strict press 3*10-15
KB Deadlift 3*8-12
Gymnastics W.O.D
*Handstand Holds – 5xMax Effort
– 5-10 minutes walking/obstacle course practice
*Handstand Press – 5*3-5
(Free standing/P.ROM/Wall/Ground)
*Strict Bar Muscle Up work – 5*3-5 (Tempo/Weighted/Negative?FG pullups/FG ring rows)
**AMRAP Accessory/ core by coaches prescription
W.O.D. 10/6/18
/in WOD /by Kaitlyn EggersCrossfit W.O.D
A) Back squat 5×5 elements weight
B+) Back squat Find 5RM
MetCon: 21-15-9
– Overhead Squat
– ⅓ BMU
9 min time cap
BMU will be modified to pullups/J.pullup / ring rows by ability.