Strength: in pairs 8minutes to accumulate as many strict pullup as possible
MetCon: 8 Rounds For Time 2 HSPU 4 Toes 2 Bar 8 Front Rack KB Lunges A) Ask Coach For specific instructions. B) Pike PU-K2E-16/12kg C) HSPU-T2B-24/16kg D+E) Deficit (25/10kg bumper plate) HSPU – T2B- 32/24kg
W.O.D 25/09/18
/in WOD /by Kaitlyn EggersCrossFit WOD
Strength: in pairs 8minutes to accumulate as many strict pullup as possible
MetCon: 8 Rounds For Time
4 Toes 2 Bar
8 Front Rack KB Lunges
A) Ask Coach For specific instructions.
B) Pike PU-K2E-16/12kg
C) HSPU-T2B-24/16kg
D+E) Deficit (25/10kg bumper plate) HSPU – T2B- 32/24kg
WOD 22/9/18
/in WOD /by YoniCrossFit WOD
Skill: Kipping pullup
MetCon: “Chelsea”
5 pullups
10 pushups
15 Airsquat
*Modify number of reps / movements by coaches prescription (you should finish each round in appx 45-50 seconds)
WOD 21/9/18
/in WOD /by YoniCrossFit WOD
C-D-E) Bench press 5x5x90%5RM
MetCon: EMOM 10
Even: 5 RHSPU (DHSPU/HSPU/Pike/Pushup/ Knee pushup)
Odd: Max Triple unders (Double unders / Single unders)
*Ask coach for modifications
Endurance WOD
MetCon: “Kalsu”
For time: 100 Thruster 60/42.5
*EMOM perform 5 burpees
** 35 min Time cap
*** ask coach for mods
Strength & Accessory WOD
Hang Power Clean+Push Press Practice
MetCon: “Incredible Hulk”
AMRAP in 20 minutes
5 Deadlifts (50/35kg)
5 Hang Power Cleans (50/35kg)
5 Front Squats (50/35kg)
5 Push Press (50/35kg)
5 Back Squat (50/35kg)