WOD 9/5/15

Workout of the Day

Weekly strength to complete:

Sumo deadlift
3×5 (add 5kg from last week)

Back squat
3×5 (add 5kg from last week)

Shoulder press
3×5 (add 2.5 kg from last week)

Ring dips (8x3x5RM)

Skill to work on

Double unders

kipping pullups

kipping ring dips


Part one: Independent warmup+ strength.
Defecit Clean pull up (pause at the knee) 5×3@120% (clean)



Part two: Class from 18:00.
15 min clean practice.


MetCon: 2010 Games event!
7 rounds for time (12 min time cap)
3 cleans 90/60 kg
4 HSPU ring for men.
* Scailing options
Clean not less than 60/35 kg
HSPU men strict, girls any way!!!
NO ROM scailing for HSPU.

Post your scores to the Whiteboard.