WOD 9/3/16

Monthly Mobility:


Back Squat

WU: 5×70%(5RM) 5*80% 5*90% then take your 5RM and perform 3 sets with max repetitions

MetCon: “Air Force”

For Time

20 Thrusters (42.5/30kg)

20 Sumo Deadlift High-Pulls (42.5/30kg)

20 Push Jerks (42.5/30kg)

20 Overhead Squats (42.5/30kg)

20 Front Squats (42.5/30kg)

Athlete must do 4 burpees at the beginning of every minute, including at the start of the WOD, before moving on to the barbell work. Athlete is allowed to move to the next barbell skill once an he/she has completed all 20 reps. If the minute clock beeps during a repetition the athlete will complete their rep and then start their 4 burpees.

*Ask coach for scaling options