WOD 7/2/16

Mobility Warm Up:



February Programming:

Strength: Barbell Push
A) Strict press 5*5 weight from elements
B) Strict press WU: 5*65% (5RM) 5*75% 5*85% (short period of resting between warm ups sets) them: 3 attempts to find 5RM…
C) Push press 5*3*80 1RM
D) Clean+jerk 5*1+3*80% 1RM Jerk

MetCon: For time
50 DU
5 S2OH
5 Bar MU
100 DU
10 S2OH
5 Bar MU
150 DU

A) KB S2OH 12/8kg-SU-Pull ups/J.PUll ups
B) DU- 42.5/30kg-Strict C2B Pull ups/J. C2B Pull ups
C) DU-50/35kg-Bar MU/J. Bar MU
D) Rx’d 70/45kg.