WOD 6/10/17
Skill: Ring Muscle Ups
By ability
10 min EMOM
1-5 (Ring muscle ups/ False grip strict ring pulls ups/ false grip ring rows)
OR : Beast mode
10min Of Death by unbroken Ring MU
MetCon: 10-8-6-4-2 reps of
Strict (By ability) Chin ups
Strict (by ability) Dips
Weighted V-ups (quality) 12/8kg
Ask Coach for modifications.
Dallas 5
5 minutes of:
Then, 5 minutes of:
7 deadlifts, 70/50kg.
7 box jumps, 60/50 cm
Then, 5 minutes of:
Turkish get-ups, 20/12kg.
Then, 5 minutes of:
7 snatches, 32.5/25kg
7 push-ups
Then, 5 minutes of:
Rowing (calories)
Complete as many reps as possible at each 5-minute station. Rest 1 minute between stations.