WOD 3/6/16
Skill: Barbell snatch Practice A) Movement awareness- OLY basics (hook grips, stance, grip width etc.) B+C) Power snatch practice. D) Find 1RM Snatch. MetCon: “Randy” 75 Snatches 35/25kg *Ask coach for scaling options. |
S&A WOD Technique: Power snatch (Establish 1RM) MetCon: In teams of 2 Complete 50 Pendelay rows (80-90% Power clean) 200 Air squats 200m Partner/Sandbag carry |
Rx’d meet 21-15-9 complex Athlete will perform 8 Deadlift + 7 Clean + 6 Snatch (21 reps) then 8 Pull-Ups + 7 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups + 6 Bar Muscle-Ups; then 15 reps of the same (6+5+4=15); then 9 reps of the same (4+3+2=9). |