WOD 22/9/15
*** NO TOTALFIT CLASSES THIS WEEK (evenings or mornings)***
*** Tuesday, 22/9: Erev Yom Kippur: CrossFit and Open Gym 600-1500***
*** Wednesday, 23/9: Yom Kippur: CLOSED***
Pre class Mobility:
Atarim & Dizengoff:
Skill Warmup: Double unders practice
Strength: Squat / Pull / Push (ask coach what to do)
MetCon: Monthly Throwdown Partner WOD Practice
80 Overhead Lunges (15/5)
120 Double Unders
80 Overhead Lunges
40 Pistols
**Each partner must contribute at least 10% of each exercise.
31 Heroes WOD:
31 Minute AMRAP
8 thrusters (70/47.5)
6 Rope Climbs
11 Box Jumps