WOD 11/7/15

Workout of the Day

50 Shoulder pass through
25 Over head squat WITH 20kg BARBELL
Laccrosse ball routine:

Open gym:

work on technique:
OHS, kipping pullups, kipping HSP, olympic lifts

strength: complete missed lifts -squat,press, benchpress &lunges also get some weightd pullups in

ask the coach to recommend a Metcon for you, or use this opportunity to do a test run for the kip for cure event


Intermediate WOD:
Independent part:
Hip mibility+Overhead.

Back pause (3sec)squat 5x3x70% (Speed on the way up)

Deadlift 5x10x65%
Class: 18:00.
10 min to establish max reps with bodyweight (use rack if needed), *Scale to 0.75/0.5 BW.

MetCon:9 min AMRAP
15 Box jumps 60/50cm
10 toes to bar
5 Power snatch 50/35 kg.

Post your scores to the Whiteboard.