WOD 30/5/15
CrossFit Tel Aviv May 2015 Competition WOD
Events are as follows:
2013 RFA skill events:
Skill event 1- Max Effort L-sit (capped at 2 minutes)
Scaled devision: max weighted plank 25/15 kg
Skill event 2 – Max Double unders in 2 minutes
Scaled devision: max single unders in 2 minutes
Work capacity:
Reverse “Elizabeth”
Ring dips
Clean 60/40
Scaling devision:
1) 50/30 ring dips
2) 40/20 ring dips
3) 60/40 ring pushups
4) 50/30 ring pushups
5) 40/20 ring pushups
6) KBS / ring pushups
7) any barbell/KBS + HRPU
*Any RXd score is better than a scaled score
* in event 3 any rxd is better than scale #1, which is better than scale #2 etc
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