WOD 23/11/15

November Programming:




**You can click on any of the hyperlinked movements below to see a video demonstration!**

Strength: Squats/Cleans
A) Back squat 5×5 weight from elemets.
B) Front Squat 5*5*90%5RM
C) Clean Pull + 3 Hang cleans 5×3*80% Hang clean
D) 5 rounds not for time:
Clean Pull + clean *90% clean

A+B: Hang Power Clean Practice.
C+D: Tempo Front Squat (5-2-2)
3*3*105% Clean

MetCon: For Time
150 Double Unders 
100 Air Squats
50 Toes-2-Bar
*Reps can be done in any order

A) 150 DU + 100 Air squats + V-ups
B) 150 DU + 100 Air squats + Knees-2-Elbow
C) Rx’d
D) 150 DU + 74 Pistols + Strict Toes-2-Bar

WOD 22/11/15

November Programming


**You can click on any of the hyperlinked movements below to see a video demonstration!**

Strength: Barbell Push
A) Strict Press 5*5 Weight from elements
B) Strict Press 5*5*90%5RM
C) Push press 5*5*90%5RM
D) Clean+Jerk 3*1+3*75, % 3*1+2*80% Jerk

A+B 10 min Kipping HSPU Practice
C+D Death by HSPU for 10 min

MetCon: “Helen”
400m Run
21 American KB swings 24/20kg
12 Pull ups

*For scaling ask coach for specific instructions.



Push press 3*5*70%(TM)
Jerk practice 15 min.

MetCon: 1 mile run.

WOD 21/11/15

Open Gym


Work on November’s Goals:


Monthly goals:
– Strength:

A-achieve first strict pull;

B-Increase number of strict pull ups (10 male/5 female);

C-Weighted pull ups (at least 2RM 10kg/5kg);

D-Legless rope climbs (at least 2/1 unbroken climbs)

– Mobility Overhead Squats

A- Overhead mobility awareness,

B- 10 reps wth acceptable form 20/15kg,

C- 5RM at 0.75 BW;

D- 5RM BW.

Toes to Bar (Kipping)

Bar Muscle Up (Kipping)

WOD 20/11/15

November Programming:





**You can click on any of the hyperlinked movements below to see a video demonstration!**

Strength: Deadlift/snatch

A) Deadlift 5×5 with weight from Elements
B) Deadlift 5-5-5-5-5 increase weight each set to failure
C) Hang snatch + OHS 5*2+2×70% max snatch
D) 5 rounds NOT FOR TIME Snatch + Hang Snatch + 2 OHS (Start from 70% snatch and add weight each round.

MetCon: 21-15-9 reps of

A) KB swing 32/20 kg + wall balls
B) Deadlift 80/45kg + wall balls
C) Deadlift 100/70 kg + wall balls
D) Power clean 70/45kg + wall balls



Overhead + wrist mobility


EMOM: 20 min

Odd min: 2-5 RMU – unbroken (5 false grip ring pull ups)

Even min: 10m Handstand walk (20 shoulder taps)


Metcon: 15 Minute AMRAP

400m run

21 Sumo Deadlift High Pull (42.5/30kg)

12 C2B Pull ups

WOD 19/11/15

November Programming:






**You can click on any of the hyperlinked movements below to see a video demonstration!**

Strength: Gymnastic push by ability.

1) Weighted Push ups 5×5-10
2) Strict HSPU 5×5-10 (Scale down to elevated if needed)
3) Deficit (25 kg plate) HSPU 5×5-10
4) Ring HSPU 5xME

Tech: Kipping HSPU/Free-standing HSPU

MetCon: 3RFT

3+3 Pistols
12 Burpee Pull ups

1) 6 goblet squats 24/16kg + Pike Push ups + Burpee
2) Pistols + HSPU + Burpee pull ups
3) Weighted pistols 12/6kg + Def. 25/15kg HSPU + 6 Burpee bar MU

WOD 18/11/15

November Programming:






**You can click on any of the hyperlinked movements below to see a video demonstration!**


Strength: Back Squat
A) Back Squat 5×5 weight from Elements.
B) Back Squat 5-5-5-5-5
*increase weight each set to failure
C+D) Back Squat 1*5*75%, 2*3*80%, 2*2*85% 1RM

Technique: barbell snatch  

MetCon: Isabel
30 reps of barbell snatch 60/40kg

*Talk to coach about scaling options




Independent part: Ankle+Quad mobility drills.


Strength: Squat

Front Squat 5*75% 3*85% +1*95% (TM)

Back Squat 3*10 AHAP

Banded Good mornings 100 reps in any order.


CLASS: 20 MIN Clean practice: ask coach for specific instructions. Or 5 Rounds for quality Clean pull + 2 hang clean pull + hang clean (Add weight each round).


MetCon: “Gwen” 15-12-9 reps of Touch-n-Go clean & jerk 60/40 kg.

WOD 17/11/15

November Programming:





Strength: Gymnastic Pull
By ability:

1) 5×5 – 10 Ring row

2) 5 (70%) – 3(80%) – 2(90%) – 3 (80%) – 5 (70%) 
Weighted pull ups

3) 5×2 Legless Rope Climbs

MetCon: I go – You Go
30 Chin ups
40 Dips
50 Toes 2 bar
(repetitions for each person)

1) Jumping Chin Ups – Hand Release Push Up – V-ups
2) Pull ups – Bench dips – Knees 2 elbows
3) Strict Chin Ups – ring dips toes 2 bar
4) Strict chin ups – strict ring dips toes 2 bar

WOD 16/11/15

November Programming:






Strength: Squats/Clean.
A) Back squat 5×5 weight from elements.
B) Front Squat 5-5-5-5-5 *Increase weight each set to failure
C) Clean Pull + 3 Hang cleans 5×3*75% Hang clean
D) 5 rounds not for time: Clean Pull + Hang clean + Front Squat (85%Clean)


A+B Hang Clean.
C+D: Front squat 3x3x110% Clean


12-9-6-3 reps for time of:
Front rack lunges (each leg)
Power Cleans

A) Goblet lunges + Sumo DL High pull 24/16 kg
B) 40/30 kg.
C) 50/35 kg
D) 60/45 kg