WOD 8/11/18


A) Back Squat 5*5 weight from elements.
B) Back Squat Establish 5RM.
C+) Front squat Establish 3RM

MetCon: 15min AMRAP

3 Strict Pull ups
6 Alt. Pistols
12 KBS
24 DU

A) Ask coach for specific instructions.
B) Pull ups by ability- box pistols- 16/12kg KB- DU by ability
C) 24/12kg KB
D) Strict Bar MU (strict for men only)-32/24lg AMERICAN Swing


Olympic weightlifting:

  1. 3 position snatch (top to bottom) 5 sets @70%
  2. Snatch with tempo first pull 3x3x75% | 3x2x80% | 2x2x85%
  3. Clean pull 5x3x100%
  4. Front squat 3x3x75% 3x2x85% 1x1x90%