W.O.D. 7/6/18

Crossfit W.O.D

Mobility: Spine Flexion/Extension activation drills

Skill: Bench press 



A) Shoulder Press 5x5xEW

B+) Bench Press 5x5x90%


MetCon: Partner WOD

I  Go U Go*

16 min AMRAP

  • 3 Wall walks
  • 5 Deadlifts 102.5/75
  • 7 Clapping push-up

* I go U go = one partner must complete a full round before switching with other partner. Both partners use same weight (unless male and female)

** Ask coach for mods

Olympic Weightlifting W.O.D

  1. TNG Power snatch 3x5x50% | 3x5x60% | 3x5x70%
  1. Overhead squat ladder (one attempt of Max reps at each weight) – 50/35 | 60/40 | 70/45 | 80/50 | 90/55 | 100/60
  2. Overhead lunge 6×3+3×50%1RM backsquat
  3. 3xMax rep TNG deadlift x1RM clean