WOD 17/4/17 April 16, 2017/in WOD /by cftaStrength: Overhead Press A) Strict Press 5*5*5RM B) Strict Press establish 5RM C+D) Push Press 5*1*95%, +2*80% 1RM MetCon:“40 years in the desert” In teams of 2 perform 20min AMRAP 10 S2OH 40/30kg 20 T2B 30 HRPU 40 Burpees /wp-content/uploads/2015/09/cfta-logo3.png 0 0 cfta /wp-content/uploads/2015/09/cfta-logo3.png cfta2017-04-16 21:00:372017-04-16 15:06:02WOD 17/4/17