WOD 28/3/17

Strength: Strict Pull Ups by ability.
1) 0-1 Pull ups: 5 sets of ME partial ROM pull ups
2) 1-5 Pull ups: 5 sets of max reps
3) 5-10 Pull ups can be done: establish 3RM
4)10+ Pull ups: establish 5RM

MetCon: In teams of 2 complete 20min AMRAP
20 Ring Rows (scale up to parallel rows if needed)
30 KB Swings 24/16kg
40 Prisoner Lunges

*Ask coach for scaling options.

Olympic Weightlifting:

  1. Squat Clean 25 min work up to heavy single
  2. TNG jerk from racks 3x5x70% / 2x3x75%
  3. Snatch Pull 3x3x100% 3x2x110%
  4. Back Squat 1x3x80% / 1x2x85% / 1x1x90% / 1x1x95% / 1x5x75%