I have been filled with mixed feelings on what workout to write for this day. in crossfit, memorial days are usually commemorated with a “Hero WOD”, but this day doesnt feel like something that can be properly honored with some combination of exercises.
In the end, the decision made, was to do nothing special (except for not plaing music, which is a nation wide tradition). As i see it, our ancestors were persecuted for simply living their normal life and traditions, and the best way to honor them, is to CONTINUE to live our normal life and traditions, unphased and unbroken, proud and strong.
all classes will take place AS NORMAL SCHEDULE thruout the entire day, and we will perform a regular, mundane, day to day WOD.
W.O.D 13/4/18
/in WOD /by YoniCrossfit W.O.D
Skill: 30 min Squat clean practice
MetCon: For quality
Even minute 3 Cleans – start at ~70% (1RM) add weight by feel
Odd minute – Max reps V-ups
Strength & Accessory W.O.D
Bench Press 5*75%; 5*80%; +5*85% 3RM (90%1RM) +2.5/5kg
Deadlift 5*75%; 5*80%; +5*85% 3RM (90%1RM) +2.5/5kg
Barbell Bent Over row 3*6-10
Svend Press 3-4*15-20
Endurance W.O.D
MetCon 1: 20 minute AMRAP
50 DU
50 Airsquat
50 Box jump
MetCon 2:
Death by burpee pullup (jumping)
W.O.D 12/4/18
/in WOD /by YoniNational Holocaust memorial day.
I have been filled with mixed feelings on what workout to write for this day. in crossfit, memorial days are usually commemorated with a “Hero WOD”, but this day doesnt feel like something that can be properly honored with some combination of exercises.
In the end, the decision made, was to do nothing special (except for not plaing music, which is a nation wide tradition). As i see it, our ancestors were persecuted for simply living their normal life and traditions, and the best way to honor them, is to CONTINUE to live our normal life and traditions, unphased and unbroken, proud and strong.
all classes will take place AS NORMAL SCHEDULE thruout the entire day, and we will perform a regular, mundane, day to day WOD.
AM Israel Chai!
~coach yoni
Crossfit W.O.D:
Dips (bench/weighted bench/bar/rings) Find 5RM
MetCon: 8 Min ascending ladder 1-1,2-2…
KB S2OH (per side)
A) ask coach
B) 16/12 / RMU by ability
C) 20/16 / RMU by ability
D) 24/20 / RMU/C2B
E) 32/24 / SRMU
Cashout: 2k Run
Olympic Weightlifting W.O.D:
W.O.D 11/4/18
/in WOD /by YoniEve of holocaust memorial day, the Box will close at 19:00
all classes will perform Crossfit WOD
Crossfit W.O.D:
A) Deadlift 5x5xElements Weight
B) Deadlift Find 5RM
C+) Barbell Lunge 5×5+5×90% from last week
S&A group) Barbell lunge establish 3RM
MetCon: For time
Weighted stepup
*ask coach for mods
Strength & Accessory W.O.D: no class, join regular CF WOD. note: different strength portion.