W.O.D 28/4/18 April 27, 2018/in WOD /by YoniCrossfit W.O.D Strength: complete missed strength, if none missed, practice squat cleans by coaches prescription MetCon: “Helen” 3 RFT 400m run 21 American KBS 24/16 12 Pullups /wp-content/uploads/2015/09/cfta-logo3.png 0 0 Yoni /wp-content/uploads/2015/09/cfta-logo3.png Yoni2018-04-27 18:17:422018-04-27 18:17:42W.O.D 28/4/18
W.D.D 27/4/18 April 27, 2018/in WOD /by YoniCrossfit W.O.D: Strength: complete missed strength this week. if non missed- find 1RM Squat clean MetCon: 20-15-10 OHS T2B Ask coach 30/20 42.5/25 50/35 60/42.5 Strength & Accessory W.O.D Skill: Get Up turkish MetCOn: In teams Of 2 Perform 20min AMRAP (I go you go) 10 TGU 20 Burpees 200m Partner carry ——————————– Endurance W.O.D: “Zeus” 3 RFT 30 Wallball shots 30 SDHP 35/25 30 Box jump 60/50 30 Pushups 10 Backsquats (bodyweight) /wp-content/uploads/2015/09/cfta-logo3.png 0 0 Yoni /wp-content/uploads/2015/09/cfta-logo3.png Yoni2018-04-27 08:02:512018-04-27 08:02:51W.D.D 27/4/18
W.O.D 26/4/18 April 25, 2018/in WOD /by YoniCrossfit W.O.D Strength: Dips (bench/weighted bench/bar/rings) Find 5RM MetCon: 3 RFT 21 Airsquat 15 Pushpress 60/42.5 9 RMU Olympic Weightlifting W.O.D: Snatch 2x3x70% | 2x2x80% | 1x1x85% | 1x1x90% C&J 3×2+2×70% | 3×2+1×80% | 2×1+1×90% Snatch pull 5x3x100% Back squat 3x3x80% 2x2x90% /wp-content/uploads/2015/09/cfta-logo3.png 0 0 Yoni /wp-content/uploads/2015/09/cfta-logo3.png Yoni2018-04-25 22:18:372018-04-26 05:47:26W.O.D 26/4/18
W.O.D 28/4/18
/in WOD /by YoniCrossfit W.O.D
Strength: complete missed strength, if none missed, practice squat cleans by coaches prescription
MetCon: “Helen”
400m run
21 American KBS 24/16
12 Pullups
W.D.D 27/4/18
/in WOD /by YoniCrossfit W.O.D:
Strength: complete missed strength this week.
if non missed- find 1RM Squat clean
MetCon: 20-15-10
Strength & Accessory W.O.D
Skill: Get Up turkish
MetCOn: In teams Of 2 Perform 20min AMRAP (I go you go)
10 TGU
20 Burpees
200m Partner carry
Endurance W.O.D: “Zeus”
30 Wallball shots
30 SDHP 35/25
30 Box jump 60/50
30 Pushups
10 Backsquats (bodyweight)
W.O.D 26/4/18
/in WOD /by YoniCrossfit W.O.D
Dips (bench/weighted bench/bar/rings) Find 5RM
MetCon: 3 RFT
21 Airsquat
15 Pushpress 60/42.5
Olympic Weightlifting W.O.D: