WOD 4/5/16

*** Please note that this evening’s LAST class is at 18:00. The gym will be CLOSED at 19:00 due to Erev Yom Hashoa (no evening classes in Dizingoff).

Hours of operation on Yom Hashoa will be as usual ***



A) 5*5 weight from elements.
B+) 5*60%(1RM) 5*65% +3*70%

Skill: OHS

MetCon: For time:

30 Front squats
15 Box jumps
15 Overhead squats
30 Box jumps

A) G. squats 16/12kg. 60/50cm step ups
B) 30/20kg-60/50cm
C) 45/30kg- 60/50cm
D) 60/45kg-70/60cm