WOD 28/2/17
Skill: Mobility practice by coach prescription.
“Dirty Thirty”
For Time
30 Box Jumps (24/20 in)
30 Jumping Pull-Ups
30 Kettlebell Swings (35/26 lbs)
30 Lunges
30 Knees-to-Elbows
30 Push Press (45/35 lbs)
30 Back Extensions
30 Wall Balls (20/12 lbs)
30 Double unders
30 Burpees
Olympic Weightlifting
Hang clean – 6×3 UB HC @70-80%
Pushpress 5 attempts to perform 10 UB pushpress with the following weights
*Ask coach to perscribe specific weights
** if you succeeded more than 3 and less than 10 re-attempt ME on same weight, for total of 5 sets.
Clean pull 6x3x100
Split press 5x5x40-50% of jerk 1RM (or 80% of 5RM strict press)