WOD 1/7/16 June 30, 2016/in WOD /by Jake Miller Skill: Power snatch MetCon: “Randy” 75 Power snatches 35/25kg Compare your result with 03/06. S&A WOD Speed Pull Combo DL (Conventional+Sumo) (2-2)*8*60-80%ME MetCon: In teams of 2 complete for time 100m Partner/sandbag carry 100 KB SDLHP 100m Partner sandbag carry 100 KB Russian swings Rx’d Meet 2015 GAMES EVENT 10 For time 15-10-6 reps of Thrusters 75/52.5(40kg) Bar MU/(Girls only C2B Pull ups) 15 min Time Cap. /wp-content/uploads/2015/09/cfta-logo3.png 0 0 Jake Miller /wp-content/uploads/2015/09/cfta-logo3.png Jake Miller2016-06-30 19:27:582016-06-30 19:27:58WOD 1/7/16