this class will not have time to warmup, we will begin training at start of class, warm up on your own before class, or instead of strength if you dont make it in time.
Backsquat (perform a set of squats immediately followed by a push set by personal program
0-1: 5×5 with elements weight
1-9: 5×5 @90% of last weeks 5RM (if you didnt find 5RM last week do it today)
Wendler (5+ times a week): 1x5x75% 1x5x80% 1x5x85% 2x10x50% (this is based of last weeks 1RM, if you didnt find a 1RM last week, do the 1-9 programming this month)
Intermediate (9+): 1&1/4 front squat 5x2x105% of 1RM then
Metcon: 12-8-4
squat clean 80/60*
Min Weight 55/40 scale to KB swing+Goblet squat
Intermediate Crossfit
Independent part: Hip flexors + ankle mobility drills.
5*2*105% Max clean
Front squat 1 1/4 (ask the coach for instruction) then
Class: 18:00.
*Every min for 10 min perform
3 deadlifts+2 hang cleans+1 push press
Each min add weight
*ask the coach for specific instructions. then
10 min AMRAP
5 SDLHP 60/40 kg (40/25)
10 pistols
15 Burpee over the bar
Backsquat (perform a set of squats immediately followed by a push set by personal program
0-1: 3×5 with elements weight
1+: 3×5 @90% of last weeks 5RM (if you didnt find 5RM last week do it today)
Wendler: 1x5x75% 1x5x80% 1x5x85% (this is based of last weeks 1RM, if you didnt find a 1RM last week, perform 1-9 programming this month)
*In this workout you move from each of five stations after a minute. The clock does not reset or stop between exercises. This is a five-minute round from which a one-minute break is allowed before repeating. On call of “rotate”, the athletes must move to next station immediately for best score. One point is given for each rep, except on the rower where each calorie is one point.