W.O.D 20/4/18

Crossfit W.O.D

Skill: Squat clean

EMOM 10: 3 position clean

Start at moderate weight, add weight each set by feel

MetCon: “Cindy”

20 min AMRAP

5 pullup

10 pushup

15 Airsquat

Strength & Accessory W.O.D

Bench Press 3*80%; 3*85%; +3*90% 3RM (90%1RM) +2.5/5kg
Deadlift 3*80%; 3*85%; +3*90% 3RM (90%1RM) +2.5/5kg

One arm KB Deadlift 3*10-15 (each side)
DB Bent over rows 3*10-15

Endurance W.O.D


20 pullups

30 pushups

40 situps

50 airsquats

W.O.D 19/4/18

Crossfit W.O.D
MetCon: murph

For time:
1 mile run
100 pullups
200 pushups
300 airsquats
1 mile run

*If you have body armor or weighted vest (10kg), wear it!

W.O.D 17/4/18 – Yom Hazikaron


Image result for ‫י"א חללי מינכן‬‎


Today we are performing our CrossFit Tel Aviv Hero WOD:

“אימון הי”א”  ( “The Eleven”) 

In CrossFit fashion, we dedicated a hero WOD on occasion of Israel’s Memorial Day, to the 11 Olympic Athletes murdered at the Munich Olympics, 46 years ago.

אימון הי”א included aspects from each of the sports the athletes were set to compete in: Track, Wrestling, Fencing and Shooting. The WOD begins with a 2.2km run to the memorial erected in honor of the fallen athletes. Upon arrival to the monument, athletes perform 11 pistols and 11 HR push ups in memory of the 11 murdered athletes. Participants then run back 2.2km, upon arrival they complete 11 snatches; an 11m, each direction, heavy bag carry using the Greco-Roman “over-under” grip; complete an agility course that simulates the agility used in fencing and hurdle jumping from Track and Field; and finally, an 11 ft. sandbag accuracy toss to simulate the marksmanship necessary to compete in Shooting. If you miss, you repeat the agility course and try again, repeat until a “bulls-eye” is achieved. This is an annual tradition.

In Memory of: Moshe Weinberg, Yosef Romano, Ze’ev Friedman, David Berger, Yakov Springer, Eliezer Helfin, Yossef Gutfreund, Kehat Shorr, Mark Slavin, Andre Spitzer, Amitzur Shapira”

during this national day of mourning no specialty classes or open gym will take place at the box, nor will music be played.

W.O.D 17/4/18

Crossfit W.O.D

MetCon: For time

Partner wod

P-1 work

P-2 Rest


Plate G2OH 20/10





KB G-Squat 24/16

W.O.D 16/4/18

Crossfit W.O.D


A) Shoulder press 5x5xElements Weight

B) Shoulder press Find 5RM

C+) Pushpress Find 3RM

MetCon: For time


Strength & Accessory W.O.D

Shoulder Press 3*80%; 3*85%; +3*90% 3RM (90%1RM) +2.5/5kg
Back Squat 3*80%; 3*85%; +3*90% 3RM (90%1RM) +2.5/5kg

Accessory: Reps by ability

Dips (bench/bar/ring)

Gymnastics W.O.D:

1 – Handstands: 5*ME Holds

 5-10minutes walking practice / obstacles

2 – Press Drill – 5*1-5

 5*5-8 HSPU variations

 5*5-8 Feet Slides

3 – RMU work – individualized

Accessory work by coaches prescription (assuming extra pyshing and pulling)

4 – Core Cashout

W.O.D 15/4/18

Crossfit W.O.D


A) Backsquat 5x5xElements Weight

B) Backsquat find 5RM

C+) Barbell Lunge Find 3RM

Skill: Squat clean

A,B,C) progression with coach

D,E) hang squat clean + clean 6x3x75-85% of 1RM


MetCon: For Reps

8 Min Emom

Even: max effort Goblet squat 32/24

Odd: Max effort Strict Pullups


* Ask coach for weights and modifications

W.O.D 14/4/18

Crossfit W.O.D

Strength: complete missed strength, if none missed, practice squat cleans by coaches prescription

MetCon: for reps

5 tabata rounds:

1 min rest between rounds

W.O.D 13/4/18

Crossfit W.O.D

Skill: 30 min Squat clean practice

MetCon: For quality


Even minute 3 Cleans – start at ~70% (1RM) add weight by feel

Odd minute – Max reps V-ups

Strength & Accessory W.O.D

Bench Press 5*75%; 5*80%; +5*85% 3RM (90%1RM) +2.5/5kg
Deadlift 5*75%; 5*80%; +5*85% 3RM (90%1RM) +2.5/5kg

Barbell Bent Over row 3*6-10
Svend Press 3-4*15-20

Endurance W.O.D

MetCon 1: 20 minute AMRAP

50 DU

50 Airsquat

50 Box jump


MetCon 2:

Death by burpee pullup (jumping)

W.O.D 12/4/18

National Holocaust memorial day.

I have been filled with mixed feelings on what workout to write for this day. in crossfit, memorial days are usually commemorated with a “Hero WOD”, but this day doesnt feel like something that can be properly honored with some combination of exercises.

In the end, the decision made, was to do nothing special (except for not plaing music, which is a nation wide tradition). As i see it, our ancestors were persecuted for simply living their normal life and traditions, and the best way to honor them, is to CONTINUE to live our normal life and traditions, unphased and unbroken, proud and strong.

all classes will take place AS NORMAL SCHEDULE thruout the entire day, and we will perform a regular, mundane, day to day WOD.  

AM Israel Chai!

~coach yoni


Crossfit W.O.D:


Dips (bench/weighted bench/bar/rings) Find 5RM

MetCon: 8 Min ascending ladder 1-1,2-2…

KB S2OH (per side)




A) ask coach

B) 16/12 / RMU by ability

C) 20/16 / RMU by ability

D) 24/20 / RMU/C2B

E) 32/24 / SRMU


Cashout: 2k Run

Olympic Weightlifting W.O.D:

  1. Drop snatch work up to heavy triple
  2. 3 position snatch top to bottom 8 rounds at 75-85%
  3. Power snatch (use straps) 6x2x60-70%
  4. Tempo snatch pull 4x4x50% 5sec up 5 sec down
  5. Backsquat 5x3x80%

W.O.D 11/4/18

Eve of holocaust memorial day, the Box will close at 19:00

all classes will perform Crossfit WOD


Crossfit W.O.D:


A) Deadlift 5x5xElements Weight

B) Deadlift Find 5RM

C+) Barbell Lunge 5×5+5×90% from last week

S&A group) Barbell lunge establish 3RM


MetCon: For time


Weighted stepup



*ask coach for mods

Strength & Accessory W.O.D: no class, join regular CF WOD. note: different strength portion.