WOD 2/1/18
Skill: “False grip”
Strength: Close grip Chin ups.
Perform by ability 5*5-10 reps
1) Partial ROM CG Chin Ups
2) Strict Close grip Chin ups
3) Weighted CG Chin Ups
4) Archer Chin Ups (perform 3*5-10 on each side)
5) One arm chinup 5xMax per side
MetCon: 16min AMRAP
7 False Grip ring Pull ups
9 KB Swings AHAP (has to be done unbroken)
Olympic weightlifting WOD:
- 20 min to establish 1RM C&J
- Power snatch 6x3x80%
- Snatch pull 5x5x100
- Front squat+backsquat 3×7+13×60%1RM backsquat
Five rounds for time of:
22 Kettlebell swings, (32/24)
22 Box jump, (60/50)
Run 400 meters
22 Burpees
22 Wall ball shots, (20/14)