WOD 7/4/17


Strict Pull Ups by ability
1) 0-1 Pull ups: 5 sets of ME partial ROM pull ups
2) 1-5 Pull ups: 5 sets of max reps
3) 5-10 Pull ups can be done: 7*3*80%3RM; then one set of ME BW Pull ups
4)10+ Pull ups: 6*5*80% 5RM; then one set of ME BW Pull ups.

MetCon: “Fight Gone Bad”

3 Rounds, For Total Reps in 17 minutes
1 minute Wall Balls (20/12 lbs)
1 minute Sumo Deadlift High-Pulls (35/25kg)
1 minute Box Jumps (60/50cm)
1 minute Push Press (35/25kg)
1 minute Row
1 minute Rest